How to Add Roles & Access Privileges

This is a step-by-step guide on how to add and manage additional users on your EukaPay account.

To add additional users to your EukaPay account by using the Team option located in settings. 


  1. Login to your EukaPay account, then select Settings from the top right on your screen. 

  2. On the Settings screen, navigate to the Business Setitings section and select "Team". 

  3. Under the Invite Member section,  you may invite a member of your organization to your EukaPay and use the dropdown menu to grant them specific privileges in the account. 
    in settings-1

    *Note: The email address of the member being invited cannot be associated with another EukaPay account.

  4. Next, under the Manage members section, you can add/remove members or edit thier level of access.
    in settings manage members

  5. Scroll down to the Role permission section, here you can see the different permissions of each user role. 
    role priveldge